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Music therapy for your body Music therapy for your body

Music Therapy for Your BODY

How does MS affect the body?

Multiple sclerosis (MS) is different for everyone, and some people with MS will experience physical symptoms like difficulty walking, balance challenges, numbness in the face and limbs, stiffness and muscle spasms, and fatigue and sluggishness.

Dealing with these physical symptoms can be frustrating—but music therapy may offer some support. In fact, research suggests that music therapy may improve motor function in people with MS.
For example:

  • Rhythm-based music therapy has been shown to improve the walking speed and stride of MS patients
  • Movement-based music therapy has demonstrated improvement for people with MS on several fronts, including balance, muscle strength, and hand function

After my diagnosis, I was having a difficult time coping with the changes I was going through…

I was upset that my body couldn’t keep up with the vision in my brain…. My therapist taught me how to get in touch with my feelings and express them through music and dance…. With this therapy, I was able to find acceptance with MS, make adjustments to my life, and find purpose again."

Danga Dang, DJ and former dancer; diagnosed with MS in 2013

Danga Dang, diagnosed with MS in 2013 Danga Dang, diagnosed with MS in 2013

Guess what?

You don’t need to be musically talented to take part in or benefit from music therapy! All you need is an open mind and open ears…

We hope you enjoy the videos on this site. Please just remember that they’re not a substitute for individualized sessions with a credentialed music therapist.

Find out about a treatment option for relapsing MS.