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Music therapy for your mind Music therapy for your mind

Music Therapy for Your MIND

MS can have a mental impact—but there’s good news too

If you’re living with multiple sclerosis (MS), you may find that you have problems remembering things, trouble concentrating and with divided attention, and/or difficulty finding a certain word. You’re not alone — up to 65% of adults with MS report struggling with these kind of difficulties.

We all lose brain matter as we age — but this can happen more quickly in people with MS, and this decrease in certain brain matter can be linked to mental changes.

Some good news is that music therapy may have a beneficial impact on mental functioning.
Specifically, when it comes to memory and attention:

  • People living with MS have demonstrated better word recall—and the ability to remember lyrics more easily—when they’re presented with the information in song compared to spoken
  • Nervous-system–related music therapy is shown to improve long-term memory storage and recall in people with varying forms of MS

Mental dysfunction is reported in up to 2/3 of
people with MS,
and music therapy may help.

I sought out music because connecting the mind and body is essential to healing.

MS affects your WHOLE body. Even though it is a physical illness, MS has affected my mind just as much. Music has helped me calm and connect my body and mind."

Latoya, licensed mental health therapist, entrepreneur, wife, and mom; diagnosed with MS in 2003

Latoya, diagnosed with MS in
                2003 Latoya, diagnosed with MS in

Not a “musical” person? No problem!

There are no requirements for music therapy other than participating and having fun.

We hope you enjoy the videos on this site. Please just remember that they’re not a substitute for individualized sessions with a credentialed music therapist.

Find out about a treatment option for relapsing MS.